Having just received my final TMA03 assignment result today I find myself reflecting on this work. I am very pleased with my grade since it surpasses my other two grades in H807 but I feel a little empty with the amount of feedback. Of course I should be happy just to pass the assignment but I guess at post graduate level study you become more critical about the work you present and probably seek more quality feedback. Am I alone here? Or should I just be content that I’ve ticked that box and should concentrate my efforts on the next task, the dreaded ECA?
For those interested in calculating your overall continuous assessment score (OCAS) I have produced a simple spreadsheet in Google documents please feel free to use and enter your own results. http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AqBz_GD5TFQodGI3Y2E0SGVBRngtdk9LRE5tWC00Ync&hl=en_GB